We have the best room coolers in an effective cost-oriented way. Our services have got the best reviews for AC coolers. We keep in mind all the requirements of our customers such as the water tank capacity, cooling pads, airflow capacity, inverter compatibility, humidity controller, ice chamber, an air deflection system, speed controller, timer setting, remote-control system, etc. We provide cheaper and economical ACs for convenient use. We have evaporative coolers that use both electricity and water. The amount of water used depends upon the humidity of the day and the fan speed that the unit is set to operate on. A portable unit might use up to 4 liters per hour while a central system could use 25 liters per hour. Coolers require a continuous water supply as water is used as a natural refrigerant to cool down. We provide you a guide to saving money on AC coolers cost and lowering the energy used by just turning it up a degree or two. Coolers timer is a function which can be used to switch ON and OFF the AC automatically. We provide you the fully serviced coolers.

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